the EU's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, and by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission 


The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, tells the BBC that any new independent country would have to apply to join the EU.

ENERGY Doubts about energy security and energy supply and discussions over Europe’s energy mix were ever-present throughout Barroso’s second term. 2014-10-20 · The intervention by Barroso, a month before he stands down after a decade as president of the commission, comes amid deep frustration among EU leaders about the way in which Cameron is hardening "I look forward to presenting a strong commission team to the European parliament," which will vet all the commissioners in January. Barroso, who recently secured a second five-year term at the head of the EU executive, now has to hand out the policy portfolios under pressure from national capitals for plum posts, particularly in the economic and financial sphere. We are trying to convince the European Commission that we can manage and control EU funds efficiently and transparently.

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In the short term the commission's chief, Jose Manuel Barroso, envisages a new fund inside the EU budget to speed up structural reforms in the eurozone. Barroso's 10 years at the head of the commission were eventful to say the least. Since 2004, three more countries have joined the EU. Bulgaria and Romania became members in 2007, followed by Croatia in 2009, while six countries joined the eurozone. The new College of European Commissioners has been approved by a majority built around Parliament's three biggest political groups. The Greens/EFA Group, who voted against, judged that - as a whole - the proposed Commission lacks the vision and determination that is needed to face up to the current economic, social and environmental crises.

We will call on initiatives from you and your Commission based upon the We, as parliamentarians, are saying that we want Europe to have 

What we got instead was some really, really bad coverage (see Economist’s Charlemagne , FT’s Tony Barber and Liberation’s Jean Quatremer among others). The current commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, learned about Barroso’s decision after bank made it public and did not want to comment on Barroso's choice, Schinas said. Goldman Sachs said last Friday that it was hiring Barroso to be an advisor and non-executive chairman of its international businesses, as it struggles with the fallout from Britain's vote to leave the EU. Postérité. Neuf membres de la commission Barroso II rejoignent le secteur privé moins d'un an après leur départ de l'exécutif européen [4].En effet, selon l'article 339 du TFUE, la divulgation d'information concernant leurs activités à la Commission est interdite, même après que celles-ci ont pris fin [5].

Barroso eu commission

They plan to present the petition to the current leaders of the EU institutions at the end of September. Barroso was Portugal’s prime minister from 2002 to 2004, and later served as President of the European Commission from 2004 to 2014, and took up the position of chairman and senior adviser to the international arm of Goldman Sachs in July.

Barroso eu commission

José Manuel Durão Barroso (Portuguese: [ʒuˈzɛ mɐˈnwɛl duˈɾɐ̃w bɐˈʁozu]; born 23 March 1956) is a Portuguese politician and university teacher, currently serving as non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. He previously served as the 11th President of the European Commission and the 115th Prime Minister of Portugal. Barroso Withdraws Commission Incoming EU Commission chief Jose Barroso on Wednesday withdrew his current executive team and announced he will reshuffle it to avoid a veto threatening to plunge the Barroso led the commission through the tumultuous years of the euro crisis and related bailouts. Under his tenure, the EU set up financial rescue funds to help troubled countries and their banks, but at the cost of severe austerity in Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

2018-03-15 · Barroso, who led the commission for a decade until 2014, More than 150,000 people signed an EU staff petition calling for Barroso to lose his EU pension, while his successor, Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, tells journalists that he likes to compare the European Union to a "non-imperial empire."(C) 2007 In the short term the commission's chief, Jose Manuel Barroso, envisages a new fund inside the EU budget to speed up structural reforms in the eurozone.
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Barroso eu commission

Tags. och · med · Kändisar · Jose Manuel Barroso  Den fjärde december förra året skrev Amelia ett öppet brev till EU-Kommissionens ordförande José Manuel Barroso om vikten av  Denmark's Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel,  José Manuel Barroso (Photo: European Commission).

He also revealed a number of organisational adjustments designed to help the Commission achieve its key political priorities. Barroso left the Commission 20 months ago, so technically he is not in breach of the Commission’s Code of Conduct.
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The Greens/EFA Group, who voted against, judged that - as a whole - the proposed Commission lacks the vision and determination that is needed to face up to the current economic, social and environmental crises. The current commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, learned about Barroso’s decision after bank made it public and did not want to comment on Barroso's choice, Schinas said. Goldman Sachs said last Friday that it was hiring Barroso to be an advisor and non-executive chairman of its international businesses, as it struggles with the fallout from Britain's vote to leave the EU. 2018-03-15 President Barroso unveils his new team.

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Mar 12, 2014 European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. 2014, an event organised by the EU to enable people to discuss new ideas.

The President has held detailed consultations with all the Commissioners-designate in order to assign the right jobs to the right people. Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, tells journalists that he likes to compare the European Union to a "non-imperial empire."(C) 2007 European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has received nominations from the 27 states and now has to decide which posts they will get.

The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, tells the BBC that any new independent country would have to apply to join the EU.

He served two terms, from 2004 to 2014, with the European Council   Barroso. A political scientist in the world of European Union politics European Commission was regarded as a major surprise by many mentators. Sep 30, 2020 The Gavi vaccine alliance announced Tuesday that former European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso will become its new chair,  Jul 14, 2016 France is calling on Jose Manuel Barroso to rescind his decision to join France Slams Former European Commission Chief for Taking a Job saying it violates the spirit, if not the letter, of the EU's rules on co letter to EU Commission President, Jose Barroso. Context: On March 17th a Barroso, requesting an update on the status of the roadmap for the elimination of. European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso. The agreement provides Canada with preferential market access to the 28-member European Union,  Contact the Washington Speakers Bureau to schedule José Manuel Barroso as your President, European Commission (2004-2014) and Prime Minister, Portugal Barroso presided over the largest expansion of European Union member  Workers Memorial Day - EU Commission President Barroso complicit as workers keep dying.

The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso out the goals for what will be another key year for the European Union.