R = rat(X) returns the rational fraction approximation of X to within the default tolerance, 1e-6*norm(X(:),1). The approximation is a character array containing …


If you are worried about your home becoming overrun with mice, skip the pest control and try using peppermint instead. The winter season can mean serious problems with mice. Find out how you can fix the problem without shelling out for an e

by Matt_Rat. I hope this hasn't been done, but it Visa profiler för personer som heter Mat Rat. Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Mat Rat och andra som du känner. Facebook ger människor Meet the Mat Rat, your next best fishing friend. She is a thing of beauty, very weedless and always ready to move when you are. This is the ultimate punch jig, available in 3/4, 1 oz., 1.5 oz. and 2 oz. The Mat Rat`s weighted forward jig head, is designed around a super heavy Gamakatsu Hook.

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2020-04-19 · The maximum amount of MAT credit that you can claim cannot exceed the difference between the normal tax liability and the MAT liability in the year for which the MAT credit is being availed. For example: If a company has MAT credit of Rs. 1 lakh., the tax liability as per the normal provisions for FY 2019-20 is Rs. 10 lakh while that as per the MAT provisions is Rs. 9.8 lakh.

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